Courses offered at Senior Secondary Level
Senior Secondary Courses marks determine the beginning of specialization in the pursuit of higher learning. It enables the students to choose their respective fields of interest from various academic streams.
Combinations offered
Part I - English (Compulsory)
Part II- Science & Commerce
Science Streams
Stream-1- PCMB : Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology
Stream-2- PCMC : Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Computer Science
Stream-3- PCBC : Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Computer Science
Commerce Streams
Stream-1- BAEC: Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics & IP
Stream-2- BAEM : Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics & Mathematics
* A pass in the CBSE/ ICSE/SSLC or equivalent examination
* The candidate should satisfy all other conditions set by CBSE, Delhi.
* Foreign nationals and candidates who have pass class ten or equivalent
examination abroad must obtain their Eligibility Certificate before securing
* Candidates will have to apply online Or Downloaded Or collect Application form
from the school Office.
* Application for admission must be submitted in the prescribed form.
* Application can be collected from the school office on working days.
* Online & Downloaded applications must be enclosed with a DD for Rs.500/-
drawn in favour of 'Mary Mount Public School, Kattachira' payable at Ettumanoor.