Hostel facilities are planned in such a manner that the inmates feel at home always. Spacious and well laid-out rooms with telephone facility, study room with warden- supervision, hygienic and safe kitchen, spacious dining room, medical, recreation and laundry facilities are just some of the special features. The inmates are given utmost care for their academic, spiritual, social and moral growth

  1. Application for admission to the Boarding can be collected from the Warden.
  2. Only Mary Mount Public School & Junior College students are admitted to Mary Mount Boarding. Dismissal or withdrawal from the school, automatically affects the place in the Boarding.
  3. The warden will be in charge of the management and day to day administration of the Boarding.
  4. In matters of admission, accommodation and disciplinary action, the Principal’s ruling shall be final.
  1. Every boarder shall maintain the highest moral standards of life at all places. Rules of modesty and decorum in dress must be strictly adhered to.
  2. All cases of illness must be immediately reported to the warden. In case of serious illness the parent/guardian must take charge of their ward.
  3. An inmate who wishes to vacate the Boarding must give a written notice two weeks in advance, signed by their parent/guardian and total fees will have to be paid compulsory.
  1. Relatives and friends of students are not allowed to visit them during school hours.
  2. Parents are requested not to disturb the regular rhythm of boarding by their frequent visits and phone calls.
  3. If there is an urgent need to meet your children, you may do so only on First Sundays between 1.30 and 4.00 p.m. whenever such visits are to be made; you are expected to get prior permission from the warden.
  4. Boarding students are permitted to take leave only for the family programmes related to their father, mother, sisters, brothers and grandparents.
  5. Telephone calls

Boys: Tuesday & Friday 08.30pm -09.00pm.

Girls: Sunday & Wednesday 08.25pm  - 08.55pm

  1. On second Saturdays and Terminal Holidays, Boarding students are permitted to be taken home by their parents or guardians with the permission of the warden.
  2. Those students who go home for holidays are to be back by the eve of the next working day, before 5 pm
  1. Mary Mount, being an English medium school, the students are expected to use English as the medium of communication within the campus.
  2. Every student is expected to maintain the high tone and reputation of the Boarding by excelling out in the conduct, good manners and cleanliness both in and out of the campus.
  3. Boarders can write to their parents or guardians every Sunday. The warden/Asst.warden of the Boarding reserves to himself/herself the right of controlling the correspondence of boarders.
  4. No one is allowed to leave the campus without prior permission from the warden.
  5. Students are not allowed to bring valuables, such as gold ornaments, cameras, tape recorders, mobile phones, costly watches etc. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their personal belongings.
  6. Every student is expected to take part in all the co-curricular activities as part of their civic, cultural and leadership training.
  7. Boarders should keep strict discipline regarding the rule of language, silence, especially in the dormitory, study halls, bathrooms etc.
  8. Boarders should not exchange articles or money with other students and no personal food item is allowed in the Boarding. All money is to be deposited with the warden.
  9. Books, magazines, periodicals or CD's not approved by the warden are strictly prohibited.
  10. The use of tobacco, drugs, intoxicants etc. are strictly forbidden and violation of this will result in immediate dismissal.
  11. Wanton damage to school property, disfiguring of walls, indecent language or behaviour are punishable offences.
  12. After night prayer, silence is to be maintained until next day.
  13. Silence is to be maintained in the dining hall until the prayer before meal is over.
  14. Use of private electric/electronic appliances is forbidden.
  15. Good conduct from all students both inside and outside the Boarding is strictly demanded. Bad behaviour, lack of respect to the authorities, indiscipline, repeated late coming, interference with the privacy of others, disobedience of rules of the Boarding are reasons enough for one to be dismissed from the Boarding.
  16. Loyalty to the Boarding is expected from the students and when they are aware of any such happening affecting the prestige of the Boarding or any of the students in the Boarding; they are bound to inform the warden of all such happenings for their safety and security.
  17. Boarding authorities have the right to take disciplinary actions against any inmate if and when found offendable against the Boarding regulations.
  18. Mary Mount Boarding is a home away from home. Students are most welcome to meet the Principal or Warden to explain individual problems or difficulties, if any.